All the World’s a Stage

All the World’s a Stage
One key to winning is knowing where the other side is coming from. Whether you’re involved in negotiations, a war, or public speaking, this information can be invaluable. It’s also necessary if you hope to connect in any way with other people.
Life is a performance, no matter what field you’re in; large parts of life and business involve acting. Acting encompasses people skills, negotiation skills, public relations, salesmanship, and the ability to read your audience, whether that audience consists of the four people in your office or 40,000 people when you’re making a speech.
In the performance that is social interaction you need to begin by considering this: Is there a common denominator between you? Sometimes, even the weather can be a good starting point. Severe weather can affect all of us, whether we’re billionaires or college students. Though there are some obvious commonalities, others take more time to determine. I remember negotiating with someone I didn’t like very much, which put up an invisible wall between us. Then I discovered he was an avid golfer like myself. We suddenly had something to talk about that we both enjoyed, and proceedings went much better after that.
I’ve heard many stories about people who got terrific jobs, not because of their college grades, but because of their hobbies and endeavors outside of their field. Granted, they had the credentials to begin with, but so do a lot of people. The people in charge of hiring were looking for something else, something extra—a common denominator aside from the obvious requirements. I know a young lawyer who was hired by a top law firm because, in addition to doing well in law school, he also had a master’s degree in music. His music degree mattered because the partner doing the hiring happened to be a musicologist in his private time so he was aware of the amount of discipline a degree in music requires. It would also provide them with a common denominator outside the usual legal environment, which would enhance their daily routine.
Comedians know how to play to their audience. The best public speakers know how to do that, too. Step number one is to know who your audience is. In my book How to Get Rich, I mention the common denominator as a way to relate to people. Ask yourself, “What do we all have in common?” I may be a billionaire, but I get stuck in traffic jams, too. I have bad days just like everyone else. Realize that a lot of your experiences can be understood and appreciated by your audience because they’ve had them, too. Make an effort to find what you have in common and lead with it. If you take the time to think about it, you can create a bond that didn’t exist before.
I recently spoke to an audience of about 40,000 people. Afterwards, a member of my staff asked me if such large speaking engagements make me nervous. I said no because I had finally realized a large part of life is acting, and public speaking is an act. That perspective frees you from nervousness and allows you to focus on and know your audience.
You can save yourself from some unnecessary (and unpleasant) learning experiences if you realize that life is like performance art. Understand that as a performer, you have a responsibility to your audience to perform to the best of your ability. You also have to have the goods to captivate your audience, no matter how many people are there. Performers prepare for every performance. That’s showmanship, and that’s life. It’s also a way to the top. Learn, know, and show. It’s a proven formula. Start putting it to use today.
One key to winning is knowing where the other side is coming from. Whether you’re involved in negotiations, a war, or public speaking, this information can be invaluable. It’s also necessary if you hope to connect in any way with other people.
Life is a performance, no matter what field you’re in; large parts of life and business involve acting. Acting encompasses people skills, negotiation skills, public relations, salesmanship, and the ability to read your audience, whether that audience consists of the four people in your office or 40,000 people when you’re making a speech.
In the performance that is social interaction you need to begin by considering this: Is there a common denominator between you? Sometimes, even the weather can be a good starting point. Severe weather can affect all of us, whether we’re billionaires or college students. Though there are some obvious commonalities, others take more time to determine. I remember negotiating with someone I didn’t like very much, which put up an invisible wall between us. Then I discovered he was an avid golfer like myself. We suddenly had something to talk about that we both enjoyed, and proceedings went much better after that.
I’ve heard many stories about people who got terrific jobs, not because of their college grades, but because of their hobbies and endeavors outside of their field. Granted, they had the credentials to begin with, but so do a lot of people. The people in charge of hiring were looking for something else, something extra—a common denominator aside from the obvious requirements. I know a young lawyer who was hired by a top law firm because, in addition to doing well in law school, he also had a master’s degree in music. His music degree mattered because the partner doing the hiring happened to be a musicologist in his private time so he was aware of the amount of discipline a degree in music requires. It would also provide them with a common denominator outside the usual legal environment, which would enhance their daily routine.
Comedians know how to play to their audience. The best public speakers know how to do that, too. Step number one is to know who your audience is. In my book How to Get Rich, I mention the common denominator as a way to relate to people. Ask yourself, “What do we all have in common?” I may be a billionaire, but I get stuck in traffic jams, too. I have bad days just like everyone else. Realize that a lot of your experiences can be understood and appreciated by your audience because they’ve had them, too. Make an effort to find what you have in common and lead with it. If you take the time to think about it, you can create a bond that didn’t exist before.
I recently spoke to an audience of about 40,000 people. Afterwards, a member of my staff asked me if such large speaking engagements make me nervous. I said no because I had finally realized a large part of life is acting, and public speaking is an act. That perspective frees you from nervousness and allows you to focus on and know your audience.
You can save yourself from some unnecessary (and unpleasant) learning experiences if you realize that life is like performance art. Understand that as a performer, you have a responsibility to your audience to perform to the best of your ability. You also have to have the goods to captivate your audience, no matter how many people are there. Performers prepare for every performance. That’s showmanship, and that’s life. It’s also a way to the top. Learn, know, and show. It’s a proven formula. Start putting it to use today.