Saturday, May 06, 2006

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The Game of a Successful Life

The Game of Life

Even if you haven't triumphed in the past, that doesn't mean you won’t win the next game. You just have to have the right mindset: the mindset of a champion. If you’re ready to think and act like a champion, success will come from, rather than be thwarted by, the challenges ahead. As you take the risks and push the limits needed to beat your competitors, you also have to stay focused on the goal, and the goal is to come out on top.

Still, champion deal-makers like star athletes know that preparation is the key to success. The difference between someone who is successful and someone who isn't is not about talent; it's about preparation. Winners make their luck by studying the competition, planning a strategy, and anticipating the risks. Preparing to meet the competition enables the champion to move ahead, stay ahead, and achieve victory.

When a fraction of a second makes the difference between winning and losing, the most highly-skilled athlete knows that the only way to beat his closest competitors is to have that mental edge: the ability to focus on the end-goal when the pressure is on. Athletes who have advanced to the Olympics are often at the same skill level and have already demonstrated the discipline to train and prepare for competition. The one with the champion's mindset, however, is the one who is most likely to win.

Star athletes seem to possess an almost unnatural ability to handle pressure, control doubt, and come through when the chips are down. Some people may be born with the confidence needed to win, but most people acquire that self-confidence through a powerful combination of ambition and discipline. The imagination to dream big combined with the focus and self-discipline needed to realize the dream is the mark of a true champion.

Gold-medal winners often talk of having visualized triumph; seeing victory clearly in their minds well before the actual contest. When they are so focused, it’s almost as if they have gone beyond thought itself, their minds cleared of anything superfluous. They know what they have to do so they can let their instincts take over. Clearing the mind of all thought and simply allowing the body to operate on pure instinct is called being in “the zone.” The zone is a familiar place to true champions. Getting into the zone, may sound somewhat mystical, but it is something you can actually learn to do even as you hone the more obvious skills needed to beat the competition.

Champions also know how to handle losing better than the average competitor. When they lose they do not become distracted or demoralized. Instead, they turn the failure to their advantage by learning from it. The loss does not define the athlete. Rather, it teaches him or her what not to do the next time around.

Ordinarily, people tend to be risk-averse because they're terrified of failure. But champions don’t think in ordinary ways. They're willing to push the limits to beat their personal best, to achieve something greater.

How can you gain the confidence of a champion competitor? First, take advantage of the living lessons role models provide. To become a winner you have to be willing to learn from those who have been winners themselves. Study their habits and find out which ones work best for you. By observing the best people in your industry, you'll learn what their routines are, the mistakes they make along the way, and the challenges they face on a daily basis. Then not only can you imitate their approach, but you can also match (or beat) their results.
To be a champion you have to think like a champion. You must believe within yourself that you deserve to win.

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Think Yourself to Success

Think Yourself to Success

People who set big goals and follow their dreams are called successful when they reach their goals. To the individual pursuing a dream or working to accomplish a big goal, they see success staring them back in the mirror, whether they reach their dreams or spend a lifetime trying. Everyone has his or her definition of success and happiness. It could be a high-paying job, a promotion, a fancy car, or achieving work-life balance. Unfortunately, not everyone has big plans for the future. I see it everywhere I go—people in their twenties, thirties, forties; people of all ages just drifting through life disillusioned, and wondering why success has passed them by. Success doesn’t just happen. The common denominator of successful people is that they dream big and then translate those dreams into attainable goals.

Vision alone does not yield greatness. To be successful requires honing the habit of thinking like a winner throughout the journey from nothingness to prominence. In his classic book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill explains how attaining wealth in any amount you desire happens as a result of your will power. Norman Vincent Peale’s all-time bestseller The Power of Positive Thinking is founded on the principle that positive results start with positive thoughts. Shad Helmstetter and Wayne Dyer are few of the many other well known authors who have also written best-selling books on the power of the mind. Some call it self-talk, others call it positive thinking or intention, and still others use terminology like visualization or manifestation. Call it anything you like, it all means the same thing—success starts in the mind.

What works harder and longer than you do? Your mind does. While you are awake it is consciously buzzing away with thoughts and ideas and while you sleep your subconscious continues to produce thought after thought. What’s your mind working on while you are in the shower, commuting to work, or sitting in a meeting with a client? The words and pictures you feed your mind carve the path to achieving big goals. Almost every Olympic athlete can testify to a time when they visualized themselves winning the Gold or when they told themselves they would set a world record and they did.

Champions are regular people who confidently tell themselves day and night—through their thoughts and mental images—that they can and will reach their goals. As Napoleon Hill says, “What you can conceive, and believe, you can achieve.” Conceiving big things and believing they are possible is the dividing line between the mediocrity of the masses and greatness of champions.

The bigger the goal and the wilder the dream, the more resistance there will be on the journey. Have you ever had someone tell you that you lack the education, money, experience, connections, or [fill in the blank] that is required to reach your goal? This is one of the primary reasons people do not step outside their comfort zone and pursue their dreams—they aren’t thinking like a champion does, their mind cannot withstand the resistance. Champions are determined to reach their goals and their mind is conditioned to see obstacles as well as opportunities on the journey.

Champions are not born, they are not made, and they can be hard to find in any business. Keep an eye out for them, they come in all ages, genders, shapes and sizes, but between their ears they all have something in common—they think like champions.

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Saving Your Way to Success

Here are some money saving tips you can use now to save money on your grocery bills:

1. Plan, plan, and plan. If you find yourself regularly running to the convenience store, you won’t be saving money. You should set up your own system to plan what groceries you need to buy, and what stores you are going to shop at. One simple idea is to have a marker board or chalk board at home, where the family can keep track of what items they are out of and what they are running low on. You would also be able to watch sales for things you know you will need in the weeks ahead. For example, you are going to need some picnic food for the big family picnic next week. Instead of waiting until the last minute, plan ahead and shop for bargains.

2. Become a savvy price comparer. Allow a few seconds for you to look at the price and amount, size and/or weight. Eventually, when you keep buying the same items over and over again, it becomes encoded in your memory of what prices seem cheap and expensive. You will also be better able to discern good buys and the really great buys.

3. Shop for bargains. Skim the store ads to spot good deals. Shop the local discount stores and dollar stores. Buy bread at your local bread store, where you can buy bread at half the price of the grocery store.

4. Use coupons. Yes, this strategy still works. It’s almost become a cliché to “use coupons” when buying groceries, but it still works. And now you can get the coupons you want right off the internet. You can check out the product’s website or search for the hundreds of other web sites that have free printable coupons.

5. Buy in bigger quantity. Buy in bulk and eliminate most of the packaging and costs associated with the packaging and distributing. For many products, the majority of the cost goes to the packaging of the product. This is why you can buy a litter of pop for the same price as a 20oz bottle! The pop only costs pennies compared to the expense of the plastic bottle. You don’t have to necessarily buy in bulk, just buy larger quantities. For example, you will generally get a better deal of you buy a 36-roll of toilet paper versus a small package of 4 or 8 rolls, especially if there is a sale.

6. Start a garden. If you have the space available, the most dramatic way to save on groceries is growing your own food. You eliminate all the middle men. You eliminate the distributing and packaging expenses. And you know where you food is coming from. If you don’t have the room, join with a neighbor who does.

6. Buy the cheaper product. If your debts are rising and your bank account is almost empty week after week, you need to stop buying the steaks and start buying the hot dogs. You can never get ahead by saving money when you spend money; therefore, you need to be spending less. Buy the generic brand. Buy the ingredients instead of the pre-ready meal or food item. Stop buying the groceries with the highest price. Buy the cheap potato chips instead of the Doritos.

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  • I'm Palatable Insight Corporation
  • From Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
  • Palatable Insight Corporation is a paragon of success and a pioneer of palatable insights with vibrant concepts in varieties of different professionalism. Though PIC is success facilitated multinational, our Package Success Concepts (PSC) is personal. For more information about the author: About Palatable Insight:
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