Wednesday, January 17, 2007

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Expect Miracles

Experience yourself as the miracle you are. Thank yourself for being so amazing. What is possible for you if you choose to be conscious, aware and mindful?

Open your mind and see what is possible for you.

We think about 60,000 thoughts a day. There are 100 billion galaxies, each with, on the average, 100 billion stars; our brain has 100 billion cells.

Our earth is at least 4.6 billion years old. The universe is at least 15 billion years old. There are about 10 billion trillion planets.

We live on the edge of a distant spiral arm of 40 billion stars known as the Milky Way.Our genes are millions of years old; some are billions of years old. A single cell in the human body is doing about six trillion things per second, and it chooses to know what every other cell is doing at the same time.

Every cell in the body contains the same master DNA library of genes as every other cell of the body.

Every one of our 100 trillion cells contains the complete instructions on how to make every part of us. We are a miracle.

We are perfection.

How funny that we would trust the small voice inside that says we are not enough. We are perfection. When you think about all this, how can you not surrender yourself to the creative heart/mind/soul/being who orchestrates the universe?

Every cell supports each other, and is nourished by every other cell. The cell is in flow, and the flow is the essence of life. Our cells are more conscious than we are. They know how to support, to be a team. They can depend on each other. They work together in service to the whole.

The truth is, all creation is one body, one person, one being, whose cells are connected to one another within a medium called consciousness.

We are predisposed to great genius and riches in spite of our small egos telling us we are something other than who we truly are.

CHOOSE WEALTH. Marianne Williamson is credited with saying, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure... We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be?"

Wake up your life.

An unaware life - a sluggish, dimmed life is not big enough to hold you anymore. It's time to wake up. Simply BE. And observe your way of being with everyone - see what is mirrored back. Look at the positive and negative. If you desire love, give love. Really give love. Observe, watch what happens when you are really Being Love.

If you are tired of being a victim - simply accept responsibility for everything in your life and watch the stories naturally changing. The seemingly negative stories and lessons always seem to lead to liberation, peace, true freedom if you are aware, and awake - joy will be there as a reminder. Change your programming. Don't obey your programming anymore. Unless it's the program called Awareness. Joy. Bliss. Awake. Forgiving.

What makes you feel insecure? Money, health, love, education... what is it? Are you insecure because you don't feel like you have enough money? Or, that you are not loved? Or, that you never finished college so you feel inadequate? None of that is true. Not even for a nanosecond. Nothing outside of yourself makes you feel anything. Nothing outside of you makes you insecure.

What makes you feel less is all in your head, in your programming.

Change your mind and you will experience everything differently. Yet nothing has changed - except you. You don't buy into your story anymore. Otherwise why would one person with little money in the bank feel fully secure and taken care of and another could have a million and feel insecure. The difference is their programming. You can't change your insecurity by doing anything outside of you. No amount of money, no face-lift, no new car, no new relationship will create the long-term results you are looking for.

Insecurity is taught.

Realize, fully that insecure people taught this insecurity to you when you were very young and impressionable. You bought into their reactions, behavior, and panic when the outside world didn't conform to a certain pattern. You learned to express emotional turmoil or hid it and it was called insecurity. It may have played itself out as defensive, closed, hidden, fearful or panic. You learned to react big time. You learned not to like or accept being insecure - so you became withdrawn or fought others making them wrong and making sure you came out as the "right" one. You did or do everything in your power to change the outside world mistakenly thinking you'll be more secure that way - sure, more money, bigger, faster car, nicer house... you become an approval suck, desperate for someone's attention and approval to make you feel better about you. Anything it takes to make the insecure feelings go away.

Offer yourself relief right now.

Understand that doing these things doesn't make the insecurity go away. It solves nothing. The answer is only within.

Envision the same circumstances that hurt you and now imagine it as a neutral event. It's not personal. It just is what it is. See the gift in now.

Before it was a mistake, now it's a lesson. Before it was someone doing something to you, now you own your power.

You don't need to hold others in such a rigid pattern that they can't breathe and be themselves - flawed, scared, doing their best, spontaneous, sometimes unkind, unaware, not mindful, or not perfect. And that's OK, it's more than OK - it is what it is.

So relax, and accept that it's great to be authentic moment by moment. Be a transformer from negative to positive - in love with no pre-defined rules.Now you've birthed a new belief.



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You Are Powerful Beyond Measures.

You see, we are controlled regularly by our fears. While the immediate response is that "I am not afraid of success", I bet on closer inspection you are not just afraid - you, like me can be terrified by it.

It is easier to say we are motivated by a fear of failure. But failing is so easy. Sit by and watch passively while others grow, change and improve -- and there is a high likelihood that you will fail at what ever you were talking about achieving.

If you plant a garden, but don't water the plants, add some fertilizer or pull the weeds on occasion, your garden will fail due to those things you did not do.

If you start a home based business, and never share it with anyone, there is a reasonable certainty that your business will also fail due to those basic activities that you failed to do.
But you are fabulous. One of a kind. Entirely unique in all of the universe. Priceless. To go further, you are brilliant, gorgeous (just ask your Mom), talented and yes, fabulous.
And there are no limits on what you can accomplish in life.

Well, of course, no limits except those you invent in your amazing mind that is. If you listened to Wendy Robbins on this weeks faculty call, she demonstrated how just thinking of a lemon made your facial _expressions change.

Your mind is so powerful that your subconscious does not know the difference between something real and something made-up.

If your mind has up till now imagined failure or financial struggle, rest assured that your mind will manifest that for you. And when you decide that you are powerful beyond measure, you will be.

Why can I say this with certainty? Because I have experienced it for myself. Those who know my whole story know that I was so far off track in life, that to say I was in the "tall weeds" was a major understatement.

By changing my mind about who I am, and adopting the beliefs and then the activities of those whom I wanted to emulate, I became the person I wanted to be. And you can too.
So start today - there is no better time than now.

I am looking forward to seeing you in the winner’s circle!



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Your Marketing Is Your Company

In my blog post this morning, I would like to confront a rampant misconception about marketing.

It is that marketing is something that a company does - just another activity like HR, accounting, training or product development.

I would like to blow that misconception to bits. Because marketing is not something your company does.

Marketing is your company

Nor is your company bricks and mortar, or even a Web page. Which leads me to another statement.

Your company is your customer

If you don't orient everything you do around your customer, you don't have a business. If you doubt what I am saying, let's consider the life cycle of a typical new small company. It usually goes something like this:

A would-be entrepreneur gets an idea for a product or a service business. He or she writes a business plan. Next comes funding, which the entrepreneur uses to pay for an office, equipment, a Website and employees. Then it is time to think about customers.

And because the customer was left out of the process until the very end of the process, the enterprise fails. In some cases, the entrepreneur can save the enterprise by retrofitting the earlier steps - product development and so on - with the customer in mind. But that costs lots of extra time, effort and money.

The solution is to put your customers at the epicenter of your planning from day one. They cannot become an afterthought. If you doubt the cost of ignoring them for too long, remember the many historical examples of companies that squandered $millions to develop failed products. From New Coke to the IBM PC Jr. to the Edsel, the woods are littered with the shells of failed products that nobody wanted to buy.

the success of your new enterprise requires you to focus on two marketing basics from the moment a promising entrepreneurial idea enters your mind:

Targeting - Know exactly who your customers will be. Not sort of, but exactly. Understand their needs. Then decide how you can satisfy those needs more effectively than your competitors can.

Positioning - Identify one, two or perhaps three benefits that your specific customers want, and that you can provide at a level superior to your competitors. If you are opening a health club and want to target young mothers, for example, be the only club in your area that provides childcare. Positioning requires you to know who your target customer is, and what your competition is offering.

In summary . . .

Your marketing, your customer and your company are one and the same. If you keep that in mind from day one of your new business development, entrepreneurial accomplishment - and supreme success - can be yours.



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Know Your Customer, Create Your Success

Good morning, Mr. or Ms. Entrepreneur. I'd like to ask you a very basic question today:Do you know who your customers are?

That's an interesting question, because there are so many ways to answer it. As an experiment, I asked our Executive Editor Barry Lenson to call three entrepreneurs and ask them that question. Here is what they told Barry:

Entrepreneur #1 answered, "Well, I know who my customers are, but I have never actually spoken to any of them."

Entrepreneur #2 said, "I have spent a lot of money on focus groups that told me what my customers like, and don't like, about my products."

Entrepreneur #3 replied, "My customers are mostly men between the ages of 22 and 25 with incomes between $50,000 and $75,000."

Those are all valid answers. But they are pretty different. Each of them says something different about what it means to know your customers.

But since today is the day after the Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I'd like to position the question a bit differently: How much do you know about the heritage, religious and racial backgrounds of your customers?

Even today, many business owners know nearly everything about their customers - except about their heritage, religion, ethnicity or race.



About me

  • I'm Palatable Insight Corporation
  • From Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
  • Palatable Insight Corporation is a paragon of success and a pioneer of palatable insights with vibrant concepts in varieties of different professionalism. Though PIC is success facilitated multinational, our Package Success Concepts (PSC) is personal. For more information about the author: About Palatable Insight:
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