12 Power Principles on life

Comrades, As I am happy to share this with you, I hope and believe that you would meditate on it daily. This would enrich your thoughts and believe system towards how you can start a life of success, wealth and happiness! For more information; get intouch with us:
Principle - 1. The Power of Beliefs Most of what we encounter in life is the result ofour beliefs. You are—literally--what you believe.But exactly what do you believe? Look aroundyou. Often, much of what we believe is invisible.Many times we accept another’s beliefs withoutquestion, believing, but not knowing why. You'lllearn how to examine and expose your realbeliefs, how to eliminate negative beliefs andhow to energize and accumulate more positivebeliefs. You’ll also learn about “possibility beliefs”and putting them to use to enhance yourquality of life.
Principle - 2. The Power of Self-Esteemand Self-Worth Many times, we are our own worst enemy.We are not aware of the power, the intelligenceand the “knowing” built inside us. Our biggestchallenges--whether they are prosperity,relationship or health challenges-- can be dealtwith in a better manner. Learn to rid yourself ofthe negative self-worth instilled at an early age oraccepted as fact by experiencing failure in someform. John will share the same tools he has usedover the years and in many circumstances todevelop great self-esteem and reflect radiantself-worth. They will work for you, too.
Principle - 3. The Power of the Mastermind and Synergy There’s an old saying, “If one can put athousand to flight, two can put ten thousand.”The problem is, if you can put a thousand toflight, you think you don’t need anyone else.When you combine the energies of a like-mindedgroup, the energy is not additive; it is cubed.You’ll learn how to create your own Mastermindgroup and benefit from the combined energy,creativity and support.
Principle - 4. The Power of Inspiration Inspiration is food for the spirit. Learn howconsuming a daily diet rich in inspiration can bethe catalyst for creating infinite possibilities inyour life. Inspiration is another “Invisible” PowerPrinciple. We don’t necessarily miss it, butwe certainly feel renewed, revitalized andre-energized and our spirits get recharged wheninspiration is part of our daily routine. Inspirationis the one catalyst that will lead us through theforest of challenges into the sunlight of success.
Principle - 5. The Power of The Present The most powerful time anyone ever has is now.Your power is in the present, not in regrettingthe past or becoming apprehensive about thefuture. Your strongest power is always in thepresent. No matter how dark your past or howinsubstantial your future may appear, discoverhow to use the mighty power of the present toredefine the past and to create the future ofyour dreams.
Principle - 6. The Power of Choice You always have choices. It’s been said thatour only job in life is to make choices. Learn howto choose what’s right for you and how to allowthe choice to make you. Discover how thechoices we make dictate the results and realitywe experience and the adventures we’llencounter.
Principle - 7. The Power of Gratitudeand Giving Thanks Don’t think that you’ve got much to bethankful for? The Gratitude Principle is oneof life’s most powerful, open secrets. It’sa practical tool that anyone can pick up and use.Listen in as John explains how using these twomost powerful tools can make your lifeprosperous and filled with joy and health.
Principle - 8. The Power of Change Someone once said, “If you keep doing whatyou’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting whatyou’ve got.” The only thing permanent in lifeis change, for without change there is no growth.Listen in as John shares his secrets for usingchange to your advantage. Discover how togrow, evolve and create your own future.
Principle - 9. The Power of Givingand Receiving What do you give, what do you get and areyou worthy to receive? There is a well-knownstatement that as you give, so will you receive.John shares his personal perspective on theimportance of giving and learning how to receiveas opposite sides of the same coin. Discover theatom-smashing power of how and when to giveand receive.
Principle - 10. The Power of Actionand Inaction There are times when the best action is noaction at all. At other times, no matter whatyou do, the outcome will be the same. Discover“When to hold ‘em, when to fold ‘em, whento walk away and when it’s time to run.” Listenin for John’s philosophy of “for every seasonthere is a time". Timing is everything – Learnto discover your best time.
Principle - 11. The Power of Silence,Solitude and Meditation Most of us have ongoing dialogues(or monologues) that we recite constantly.These dialogues can block the “still, smallvoice” within, whispering solutions to ourgreatest challenges. Learn how to quiet thenoise and open your spirit to the voice within.
Principle - 12. The Power of Associationand Influence You, literally, are who you associate with.Learn how to find and be in the presence ofthose whose worst ideas on a bad day arebetter than the best ideas of the averageperson on a good day. Discover how to attractthe company you’d like to keep and how youcan benefit from their influence.
Principle - 1. The Power of Beliefs Most of what we encounter in life is the result ofour beliefs. You are—literally--what you believe.But exactly what do you believe? Look aroundyou. Often, much of what we believe is invisible.Many times we accept another’s beliefs withoutquestion, believing, but not knowing why. You'lllearn how to examine and expose your realbeliefs, how to eliminate negative beliefs andhow to energize and accumulate more positivebeliefs. You’ll also learn about “possibility beliefs”and putting them to use to enhance yourquality of life.
Principle - 2. The Power of Self-Esteemand Self-Worth Many times, we are our own worst enemy.We are not aware of the power, the intelligenceand the “knowing” built inside us. Our biggestchallenges--whether they are prosperity,relationship or health challenges-- can be dealtwith in a better manner. Learn to rid yourself ofthe negative self-worth instilled at an early age oraccepted as fact by experiencing failure in someform. John will share the same tools he has usedover the years and in many circumstances todevelop great self-esteem and reflect radiantself-worth. They will work for you, too.
Principle - 3. The Power of the Mastermind and Synergy There’s an old saying, “If one can put athousand to flight, two can put ten thousand.”The problem is, if you can put a thousand toflight, you think you don’t need anyone else.When you combine the energies of a like-mindedgroup, the energy is not additive; it is cubed.You’ll learn how to create your own Mastermindgroup and benefit from the combined energy,creativity and support.
Principle - 4. The Power of Inspiration Inspiration is food for the spirit. Learn howconsuming a daily diet rich in inspiration can bethe catalyst for creating infinite possibilities inyour life. Inspiration is another “Invisible” PowerPrinciple. We don’t necessarily miss it, butwe certainly feel renewed, revitalized andre-energized and our spirits get recharged wheninspiration is part of our daily routine. Inspirationis the one catalyst that will lead us through theforest of challenges into the sunlight of success.
Principle - 5. The Power of The Present The most powerful time anyone ever has is now.Your power is in the present, not in regrettingthe past or becoming apprehensive about thefuture. Your strongest power is always in thepresent. No matter how dark your past or howinsubstantial your future may appear, discoverhow to use the mighty power of the present toredefine the past and to create the future ofyour dreams.
Principle - 6. The Power of Choice You always have choices. It’s been said thatour only job in life is to make choices. Learn howto choose what’s right for you and how to allowthe choice to make you. Discover how thechoices we make dictate the results and realitywe experience and the adventures we’llencounter.
Principle - 7. The Power of Gratitudeand Giving Thanks Don’t think that you’ve got much to bethankful for? The Gratitude Principle is oneof life’s most powerful, open secrets. It’sa practical tool that anyone can pick up and use.Listen in as John explains how using these twomost powerful tools can make your lifeprosperous and filled with joy and health.
Principle - 8. The Power of Change Someone once said, “If you keep doing whatyou’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting whatyou’ve got.” The only thing permanent in lifeis change, for without change there is no growth.Listen in as John shares his secrets for usingchange to your advantage. Discover how togrow, evolve and create your own future.
Principle - 9. The Power of Givingand Receiving What do you give, what do you get and areyou worthy to receive? There is a well-knownstatement that as you give, so will you receive.John shares his personal perspective on theimportance of giving and learning how to receiveas opposite sides of the same coin. Discover theatom-smashing power of how and when to giveand receive.
Principle - 10. The Power of Actionand Inaction There are times when the best action is noaction at all. At other times, no matter whatyou do, the outcome will be the same. Discover“When to hold ‘em, when to fold ‘em, whento walk away and when it’s time to run.” Listenin for John’s philosophy of “for every seasonthere is a time". Timing is everything – Learnto discover your best time.
Principle - 11. The Power of Silence,Solitude and Meditation Most of us have ongoing dialogues(or monologues) that we recite constantly.These dialogues can block the “still, smallvoice” within, whispering solutions to ourgreatest challenges. Learn how to quiet thenoise and open your spirit to the voice within.
Principle - 12. The Power of Associationand Influence You, literally, are who you associate with.Learn how to find and be in the presence ofthose whose worst ideas on a bad day arebetter than the best ideas of the averageperson on a good day. Discover how to attractthe company you’d like to keep and how youcan benefit from their influence.