Create A Direction For Your Life

We have been taught that our lives are the way that they are because of our circumstances. This is what we've been taught and this is what we believe, but it's not the truth.
The circumstances of our lives are actually our own creation. Without knowing, we create what happens around us. We create our lives out of the way we see life. We then act consistent with the way we see life and life responds accordingly.
This is why each person's life is so different. What shows up in my life is totally different from what shows up in your life. What shows up in your life is totally different from what shows up in the life of the person next to you.
Each person has a different set of circumstances that show up and these same circumstances keep showing up, over and over. Notice that no matter how much work you do, your life doesn't change much. This is because you keep creating the same thing.
In other words, as long as you keep interacting the same way, you will keep getting the same result.
To have your life be as great as it can be, there needs to be a shift inside. You need to grow in your awareness and you need to take some action.
One of the first steps in creating a life that works is to have something to go for in your life. This is important because having something to go for is what gives spice to life. It gives you a reason to wake up in the morning. It gives direction, meaning and purpose to your life.
When you have nothing to go for, life feels empty and meaningless. It becomes full of effort and struggle. Life then becomes something to be endured rather than enjoyed.
So, if you don't have something to go for, find something. One of the best ways to do this is to get clear on what you want in life. What are your dreams? How do you want your life to be?
The following exercise is a great way to get clear on what you want. It also creates a reality that makes it more possible for your dreams to come true. Make sure you take the time to do it. You'll be glad you did.
Take a few minutes and imagine your ideal life. How do you want your life to be? What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to have? What are your impossible dreams and your small ones?
Do some daydreaming. Then write it down. Describe your ideal life. Write down everything you can think of and let the words flow. Be as specific as possible. The clearer you are on what you want, the easier it is to have your desires come true.
Don't worry about whether your desires are realistic. This exercise is not about being reasonable or accurate. It's about opening the flow of ideas. If you have a thought about something, write it down.
While you're writing, be sure and use the present tense. Say, "I have a loving, supportive relationship," rather than, "I want a loving, supportive relationship."
Keep writing until you can't think of anything more to add. After you finish describing your ideal life, look over the following categories and see if there is anything you want to add.
Prosperity and finance
Job and career
Health and fitness
Physical environment
Spirituality and personal growth
Create a vision for how you want your life to be. Then find the desires of your heart. What are the desires that you want to go for? What are the goals that you could get excited about?
Find what they are. Then ask yourself, what is the next step in having your dreams come true? What action do you need to take?
You may not know all the steps for how to have your dreams come true, but you'll know the next step. Take it. Then take the next one and the next one. Eventually your dreams will come true.
In the next lesson, you will learn, very specifically, how you sabotage your life and how you force certain areas of your life to not work.
The circumstances of our lives are actually our own creation. Without knowing, we create what happens around us. We create our lives out of the way we see life. We then act consistent with the way we see life and life responds accordingly.
This is why each person's life is so different. What shows up in my life is totally different from what shows up in your life. What shows up in your life is totally different from what shows up in the life of the person next to you.
Each person has a different set of circumstances that show up and these same circumstances keep showing up, over and over. Notice that no matter how much work you do, your life doesn't change much. This is because you keep creating the same thing.
In other words, as long as you keep interacting the same way, you will keep getting the same result.
To have your life be as great as it can be, there needs to be a shift inside. You need to grow in your awareness and you need to take some action.
One of the first steps in creating a life that works is to have something to go for in your life. This is important because having something to go for is what gives spice to life. It gives you a reason to wake up in the morning. It gives direction, meaning and purpose to your life.
When you have nothing to go for, life feels empty and meaningless. It becomes full of effort and struggle. Life then becomes something to be endured rather than enjoyed.
So, if you don't have something to go for, find something. One of the best ways to do this is to get clear on what you want in life. What are your dreams? How do you want your life to be?
The following exercise is a great way to get clear on what you want. It also creates a reality that makes it more possible for your dreams to come true. Make sure you take the time to do it. You'll be glad you did.
Take a few minutes and imagine your ideal life. How do you want your life to be? What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to have? What are your impossible dreams and your small ones?
Do some daydreaming. Then write it down. Describe your ideal life. Write down everything you can think of and let the words flow. Be as specific as possible. The clearer you are on what you want, the easier it is to have your desires come true.
Don't worry about whether your desires are realistic. This exercise is not about being reasonable or accurate. It's about opening the flow of ideas. If you have a thought about something, write it down.
While you're writing, be sure and use the present tense. Say, "I have a loving, supportive relationship," rather than, "I want a loving, supportive relationship."
Keep writing until you can't think of anything more to add. After you finish describing your ideal life, look over the following categories and see if there is anything you want to add.
Prosperity and finance
Job and career
Health and fitness
Physical environment
Spirituality and personal growth
Create a vision for how you want your life to be. Then find the desires of your heart. What are the desires that you want to go for? What are the goals that you could get excited about?
Find what they are. Then ask yourself, what is the next step in having your dreams come true? What action do you need to take?
You may not know all the steps for how to have your dreams come true, but you'll know the next step. Take it. Then take the next one and the next one. Eventually your dreams will come true.
In the next lesson, you will learn, very specifically, how you sabotage your life and how you force certain areas of your life to not work.