How Resisting Sabotages Our Lives

One of the most powerful ways that we create is through resisting. By our resisting, we magnify and give power to whatever we resist.
A good way to see this is to imagine four large, yellow balloons on the ceiling above you. Now, whatever you do, don't think about them. You just thought about them. Don't do that.
What happens when you try not to think about the yellow balloons? You think about them, and the more you resist the yellow balloons, the more balloons you get.
The same thing happens in every area of life. Whatever you resist becomes stronger and more solid. Your resisting actually gives it power. Here are some examples.
Find a time when someone resisted the way you are and tried to change you. How did you feel about changing? You didn't want to. You got more solid didn't you?
Have you ever hated a particular characteristic in another person? What happened to that characteristic when you resisted it? It grew.
What happens if you have a fear of losing someone? You feel threatened. You hang on and push the person away.
Any area of your life that doesn't work is an area where you are resisting -- and what you resist is the truth.
At any moment, your life is exactly the way that it is. The people in your life are the way that they are. You are the way that you are and the circumstances of your life are the way that they are.
Your feelings about it are totally, totally irrelevant. What's so is always what's so. Everything may change tomorrow, but at any moment, your situation is always exactly the way that it is.
When you can be at peace with the truth of what's so, you have peace of mind. You see your situation clearly and can see what needs to be done. You are creative and resourceful.
When you fight the truth, you create a state of fear and upset that destroys your ability to see clearly. You get tunnel vision. All you can do is fight, resist, hang on or withdraw. This in turn makes your situation worse.
We think that upsets are caused by what happens, but they're not. Upsets are caused by fighting and resisting what happens.
To see this in your life, select a recent upset. Then notice what would happen to the upset, if by some miracle, you were totally at peace with what happened. The upset would disappear.
This is because the upset wasn't caused by what happened. The upset was caused by fighting and resisting what happened. The moment you take away the fighting and resisting, the upset disappears.
If I spill a glass of water on you, you are going to be wet, and your feelings about it are totally irrelevant. No matter how you feel about it, you are still wet. If you are at peace with being wet, there will be no upset. If you fight being wet, you will be upset. And the more you fight being wet, the more upset you are going to be.
It's the inability to flow with life that creates all our suffering. By our resisting, we create a state of fear and upset that destroys our ability to see clearly. We then act in a way that destroys love and literally makes our situation worse.
Being able to flow with life is one of the keys to creating a life that works.
The first step in being able to flow with life is to discover how much you don't flow.
Look over your life and make a list of all the areas where you resist. Any area of your life that isn't working and any upset you have ever had will be an example of your resisting. Where can't you flow? What do you avoid? Where do you have fear and upset? Take a few minutes and write down everything you can think of.
As you do this exercise, notice how much your life has been about resisting. Then notice how irrelevant your resisting is. No matter how upset you may be, what's so is still what's so.
Notice how resisting the truth has sabotaged your life. Let this in.
Then notice how much more effective you would be and how much more enjoyable your life would be, if you could flow with whatever happens.
A good way to see this is to imagine four large, yellow balloons on the ceiling above you. Now, whatever you do, don't think about them. You just thought about them. Don't do that.
What happens when you try not to think about the yellow balloons? You think about them, and the more you resist the yellow balloons, the more balloons you get.
The same thing happens in every area of life. Whatever you resist becomes stronger and more solid. Your resisting actually gives it power. Here are some examples.
Find a time when someone resisted the way you are and tried to change you. How did you feel about changing? You didn't want to. You got more solid didn't you?
Have you ever hated a particular characteristic in another person? What happened to that characteristic when you resisted it? It grew.
What happens if you have a fear of losing someone? You feel threatened. You hang on and push the person away.
Any area of your life that doesn't work is an area where you are resisting -- and what you resist is the truth.
At any moment, your life is exactly the way that it is. The people in your life are the way that they are. You are the way that you are and the circumstances of your life are the way that they are.
Your feelings about it are totally, totally irrelevant. What's so is always what's so. Everything may change tomorrow, but at any moment, your situation is always exactly the way that it is.
When you can be at peace with the truth of what's so, you have peace of mind. You see your situation clearly and can see what needs to be done. You are creative and resourceful.
When you fight the truth, you create a state of fear and upset that destroys your ability to see clearly. You get tunnel vision. All you can do is fight, resist, hang on or withdraw. This in turn makes your situation worse.
We think that upsets are caused by what happens, but they're not. Upsets are caused by fighting and resisting what happens.
To see this in your life, select a recent upset. Then notice what would happen to the upset, if by some miracle, you were totally at peace with what happened. The upset would disappear.
This is because the upset wasn't caused by what happened. The upset was caused by fighting and resisting what happened. The moment you take away the fighting and resisting, the upset disappears.
If I spill a glass of water on you, you are going to be wet, and your feelings about it are totally irrelevant. No matter how you feel about it, you are still wet. If you are at peace with being wet, there will be no upset. If you fight being wet, you will be upset. And the more you fight being wet, the more upset you are going to be.
It's the inability to flow with life that creates all our suffering. By our resisting, we create a state of fear and upset that destroys our ability to see clearly. We then act in a way that destroys love and literally makes our situation worse.
Being able to flow with life is one of the keys to creating a life that works.
The first step in being able to flow with life is to discover how much you don't flow.
Look over your life and make a list of all the areas where you resist. Any area of your life that isn't working and any upset you have ever had will be an example of your resisting. Where can't you flow? What do you avoid? Where do you have fear and upset? Take a few minutes and write down everything you can think of.
As you do this exercise, notice how much your life has been about resisting. Then notice how irrelevant your resisting is. No matter how upset you may be, what's so is still what's so.
Notice how resisting the truth has sabotaged your life. Let this in.
Then notice how much more effective you would be and how much more enjoyable your life would be, if you could flow with whatever happens.