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You Are Powerful Beyond Measures.

You see, we are controlled regularly by our fears. While the immediate response is that "I am not afraid of success", I bet on closer inspection you are not just afraid - you, like me can be terrified by it.

It is easier to say we are motivated by a fear of failure. But failing is so easy. Sit by and watch passively while others grow, change and improve -- and there is a high likelihood that you will fail at what ever you were talking about achieving.

If you plant a garden, but don't water the plants, add some fertilizer or pull the weeds on occasion, your garden will fail due to those things you did not do.

If you start a home based business, and never share it with anyone, there is a reasonable certainty that your business will also fail due to those basic activities that you failed to do.
But you are fabulous. One of a kind. Entirely unique in all of the universe. Priceless. To go further, you are brilliant, gorgeous (just ask your Mom), talented and yes, fabulous.
And there are no limits on what you can accomplish in life.

Well, of course, no limits except those you invent in your amazing mind that is. If you listened to Wendy Robbins on this weeks faculty call, she demonstrated how just thinking of a lemon made your facial _expressions change.

Your mind is so powerful that your subconscious does not know the difference between something real and something made-up.

If your mind has up till now imagined failure or financial struggle, rest assured that your mind will manifest that for you. And when you decide that you are powerful beyond measure, you will be.

Why can I say this with certainty? Because I have experienced it for myself. Those who know my whole story know that I was so far off track in life, that to say I was in the "tall weeds" was a major understatement.

By changing my mind about who I am, and adopting the beliefs and then the activities of those whom I wanted to emulate, I became the person I wanted to be. And you can too.
So start today - there is no better time than now.

I am looking forward to seeing you in the winner’s circle!



About me

  • I'm Palatable Insight Corporation
  • From Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
  • Palatable Insight Corporation is a paragon of success and a pioneer of palatable insights with vibrant concepts in varieties of different professionalism. Though PIC is success facilitated multinational, our Package Success Concepts (PSC) is personal. For more information about the author: http://searchwarp.com/About36757.htm About Palatable Insight: http://palatableinsight.blogspot.com/2006/05/about-palatable-insight-corporation.html
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